I have been nominated for the Versatile Blogger award! I was nominated by two lovely ladies: Emily at Beauty and the Budget and Rachel at beautyqueenuk. Make sure to check out their blogs, they both have great content!
The Rules Are:
1. Thank the person who nominated you.
2. Include a link to their blog.
3. Select 15 new blog/bloggers you've recently discovered or follow regularly.
4. Nominate
those bloggers for a Versatile Blogger Award, leave a link to their page
and a comment on their latest post to let them know they've been
5. Tell the person who nominated you 7 things about yourself.
My Seven Things:
1. I love playing games on my phone. My favorites are Song Pop, Plants vs. Zombies and MiniGolf.
2. I am a magazine hoarder. I always get sucked into buying one while I stand in line at the grocery store. I think that's how they make their money :)
3. I could eat the same thing for dinner everyday: chicken piccata and oven potatoes. I think my boyfriend hates that he ever even introduced me to this heavenly meal.
4. Yoga pants over jeans any day!
5. I love painting my nails. I always try to branch out, but most of the time they are either pink or red.
6. There is nothing cuter than a Husky puppy
7. The Parmesan garlic wings at Buffalo Wild Wings are the bomb.com!
I nominate:
Make sure to check out all of these blogs. They all are great reads! Also, make sure to leave a comment if you choose to participate. I love getting to know other bloggers better!
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